Jibreel's Journal

Light syntax color theme

It's assumed that if you write code then you would be using a fancy dark color theme. Admittedly, they are beautiful and attractive to the eyes.

But as someone with astigmatism, white text on dark background appears blurry and I would often have to squint and before long my eyes would be very tired and I wouldn't be able to concentrate. I use glasses but even that doesn't help much with white text on black background.

Dark text on white background is very easy to read and I don't have to squint any more, no fatigue, no headache and no loss of focus. I have gone a step further and removed syntax highlighting altogether, well almost, with the exception of the comments I need to differentiate code from comment text, so for these I use grey color and for code I use pure black.

Now my code is pure black text, grey comments, pure white background. The contrast is so good I can deal with code all day without feeling tired or a lack of focus.

Crazy you say, I hear you, but I have been using that for the last couple of years, and believe me, it took no more than 10 minutes to get used looking at code with no syntax highlighting. It's not nearly as hard as it sounds.

If you have any vision issues or astigmatism. Give light theme a try, it might save you from agitation as it did to me. If you don't like it you could always go back to dark mode.